Stumbling Blocks to Success
Picking up the Pieces of a Life of Indecision
Picking up the Pieces of a Life of Indecision
A very basic law of the universe is "create or disintegrate." Indecision causes disintegration. Too much indecision can make your life look like a bomb went off with all the chaos, destruction and fallout that occurs as a result of putting off until tomorrow that which should be done today. How often have you heard a person say, "I don't know what to do." How often have you heard yourself say, "What should I do?" Think about some of the indecisive feelings you and virtually everyone on this planet experience from time to time.
Everyone on occasion has been complacent. All of us on occasion have procrastinated doing things we should have done long ago. We know we need to change this habit of self-sabotage, but that is easier said than done. Low self-esteem or a lack of confidence is what is often behind complacency, ambivalence and procrastination. Yet, people who are successful do not struggle with this issue like others who are less successful do. They are confident, have great self-esteem and a very strong self-image. Successful people are not afraid of making mistakes, and when they do, they have an uncanny ability to just shrug it off. They learn from the experience but they will never submit to the failure.
Three Stumbling Blocks to Success
Understanding the reasons for our resistance to success is necessary for becoming successful.. So let’s take a look at three major stumbling blocks and their antidotes in the form of conjure hacks.
The Three Stumbling Blocks and Their Antidotes
There are three major stumbling blocks that may prevent a person from achieving transformation in his or her life. They are:
Doubt arises when we do not believe in the truth of what is taught.One of the problems with doubt is that we normally require proof of the validity of the teachings. Yet the problem with this particular stance is that “the proof of the pie is in the eating”. If you do not eat it, no amount of description about the pie by another will give you the taste of the pie. In order to know this path, you must walk the path. Only then can you experience the truth of the teachings. Even so, for those who require proof, there are ample examples of those who have walked the path and enjoyed its fruits. All the ancient sages knew and taught this truth. Deep down inside, even we ourselves know this to be true. Why else would we respect and be in awe at the achievements of these ancient sages if we do not think that their achievements are truly great? But it is a greatness we ourselves can achieve as well. We just need to walk this less traveled but proven path. The antidote for doubt is faith – faith in the teachings and achievements of all the great ancient sages and mystics, faith in the universality of their teachings and faith in our own divinity. And why should we not have such faith? After all, there are many examples of people who choose to follow this path and each of them has been able to achieve the joy and happiness that is seek.
The Three Stumbling Blocks and Their Antidotes
There are three major stumbling blocks that may prevent a person from achieving transformation in his or her life. They are:
Doubt arises when we do not believe in the truth of what is taught.One of the problems with doubt is that we normally require proof of the validity of the teachings. Yet the problem with this particular stance is that “the proof of the pie is in the eating”. If you do not eat it, no amount of description about the pie by another will give you the taste of the pie. In order to know this path, you must walk the path. Only then can you experience the truth of the teachings. Even so, for those who require proof, there are ample examples of those who have walked the path and enjoyed its fruits. All the ancient sages knew and taught this truth. Deep down inside, even we ourselves know this to be true. Why else would we respect and be in awe at the achievements of these ancient sages if we do not think that their achievements are truly great? But it is a greatness we ourselves can achieve as well. We just need to walk this less traveled but proven path. The antidote for doubt is faith – faith in the teachings and achievements of all the great ancient sages and mystics, faith in the universality of their teachings and faith in our own divinity. And why should we not have such faith? After all, there are many examples of people who choose to follow this path and each of them has been able to achieve the joy and happiness that is seek.
Fear is a characteristic of our ego. Our ego has a great need to preserve its own existence. In fact, our ego is the proverbial devil who cunningly blind us to our real divine nature. Fear arises because in walking this path, we will eventually eliminate our ego. The destination of this path is the death of the ego. Our ego knows this and so it works to preserve its own existence by sowing doubt and fear in our mind. This results in inaction or a resistance to change. When we resist, our present form persist. Thus, our ego remains intact. It saves itself. The antidote for fear is courage – the courage to accept that we are indeed divine beings and that we have the capacity to love unconditionally, even ourselves, or rather especially ourselves. Many of us feel that we do not deserve love and so shut ourselves off from this unconditional love that we would so easily give to others. Yet without unconditionally loving ourselves, we cannot give true unconditional love to others.Thus, we need the courage to believe what we know to be true and the courage to do what we know we must do in order to achieve the best that we can achieve for ourselves.
Fear is a characteristic of our ego. Our ego has a great need to preserve its own existence. In fact, our ego is the proverbial devil who cunningly blind us to our real divine nature. Fear arises because in walking this path, we will eventually eliminate our ego. The destination of this path is the death of the ego. Our ego knows this and so it works to preserve its own existence by sowing doubt and fear in our mind. This results in inaction or a resistance to change. When we resist, our present form persist. Thus, our ego remains intact. It saves itself. The antidote for fear is courage – the courage to accept that we are indeed divine beings and that we have the capacity to love unconditionally, even ourselves, or rather especially ourselves. Many of us feel that we do not deserve love and so shut ourselves off from this unconditional love that we would so easily give to others. Yet without unconditionally loving ourselves, we cannot give true unconditional love to others.Thus, we need the courage to believe what we know to be true and the courage to do what we know we must do in order to achieve the best that we can achieve for ourselves.
Inaction is the result of doubt and fear, and laziness. We have this inert tendency to stay as we are, instead of exerting effort for change. This is the inertia inherent in all things, the resistance to change. We prefer our familiar comfort zone, even when we are not happy in it. We need to overcome our doubt and fear, and then put in the effort to change – to overcome our inaction. The struggle is similar to pushing a big heavy boulder down a slope. In the beginning, the resistance is great. It is at its maximum. We need to put in extra effort to move it. However, once it has begun to move we only need to exert minimal force to keep it moving and soon it will be rolling down the slope on its own. As it rolls down, it will in fact gather more momentum to continue moving forward. The antidote for inaction is therefore effort.
Create a list of the things you fear. Arrange them with your greatest fear on top of the list and your smallest fear at the bottom. Then confront this fear in a sensible way and slowly eliminate each fear from your list, beginning with the smallest fear and working upward to your greatest fear.
Inaction is the result of doubt and fear, and laziness. We have this inert tendency to stay as we are, instead of exerting effort for change. This is the inertia inherent in all things, the resistance to change. We prefer our familiar comfort zone, even when we are not happy in it. We need to overcome our doubt and fear, and then put in the effort to change – to overcome our inaction. The struggle is similar to pushing a big heavy boulder down a slope. In the beginning, the resistance is great. It is at its maximum. We need to put in extra effort to move it. However, once it has begun to move we only need to exert minimal force to keep it moving and soon it will be rolling down the slope on its own. As it rolls down, it will in fact gather more momentum to continue moving forward. The antidote for inaction is therefore effort.
Create a list of the things you fear. Arrange them with your greatest fear on top of the list and your smallest fear at the bottom. Then confront this fear in a sensible way and slowly eliminate each fear from your list, beginning with the smallest fear and working upward to your greatest fear.
Voodoo Mama's Spirit Summoning Conjure Oil
Prefer not to make your own? No problem! I've got you covered. Made according to the ancient art of apothecary, Voodoo Mama's Spirit Summoning Conjure Oil is created during the dark moon and buried in a cemetery and left there for 33 days to cure. It is then dug up and kept in a special ritual space until time to use. This specialty oil is only made once a year so quantities are limited.
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If you've never conjured a spirit before, take a moment to download this book and flip to page 71 for a little information about necromancy.
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